8 Steps to gaining clarity in your business

The go-to workbook on brand fundamentals for women in business who lack clarity and confidence in their purpose, vision, target audience, tone of voice and more…

What does the workbook cover?

In the workbook, you'll learn how to:

  • Define your brand’s purpose

  • Craft an inspiring vision for your brand

  • Create a clear mission statement that aligns with your purpose

  • Choose your brand values that will guide how you show up & do business

  • Identify & analyse your target audience

  • Develop a unique personality for your brand

  • How to choose the right tone of voice

  • Identify what makes you unique and craft a unique selling proposition

You’ve got nothing to lose…

Download the workbook & deepen your understanding of your brand fundamentals

  • The workbook is a 26 page PDF document which walks you through all your brand fundamentals and asks questions that get you thinking.

    You can fill out the workbook digitally or print it out (for those who love to put pen to paper).

  • The Brand Fundamentals workbook will help you dive deep into your business fundamentals and gain clarity on your purpose, mission, vision, target audience, unique selling proposition and so much more.

    It’s full of questions and prompts which help you clarify your messaging and dive deep into your business fundamentals.

  • You should ensure that all aspects of your marketing are communicating your new findings. For example, you should make sure that you’re targeting your ideal client in all your online messaging now that you’ve gotten clear on exactly who they are.